Experience skin changes over time.
Get a customized skin daily tip based on weather and my skin condition.
Check out my skin type of 48 different skin types after the test.
Find the custom cosmetics rankings to reflect your taste in cosmetics.
A complete analysis of my skin! eclair who knows my skin better than I do.
eclair is a skin care service that allows scientific skin diagnosis, 1:1 customized skin care.
Main Service
Easy! Fast! Simple!
eclair helps scan your skin balance for oil and moisture levels via BIA sensor. Keep your skin moisturized with the nanomist generator that's built-in to the eclair! It makes your skin healthy and moist anytime and anywhere.
Daily Tips
Reflecting real-time environmental data such as dust, ultraviolet ray index, and humidity that affect the skin every hour, it provides skin daily tips that are essential for your skin condition.
Personalized Shop
Reduce your time. Have more fun shopping.
Find customized cosmetics just for you! It reflects your cosmetics taste, analysis of skin types, current skin condition.
Required Permission
Location permission : Use it when check the weathers and display it on the map
Bluetooth paring request : Use it for paring and measuring with eclair device
Internal storage permission : Use it to store and access your data on your phone.